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Project Futures


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not."
- Dr. Seuss

Project Futures is an Australian non-for-profit organisation that connects people to the issue of modern slavery, sexual abuse and sex trafficking of women and children. We raise vital funds that goes towards services that rehabilitate, support and empower survivors. We are run by an experienced voluntary board, ensuring 100% of profits go directly towards the cause.


In July 2018, professional photographer, Tenille Salmon travelled with PROJECT FUTURES to Cambodia. Using her time and talent, she was determined to help us shine a light on the growing issue of sex trafficking, slavery and exploitation. Ultimately helping us to create a beautiful, yet harrowing, coffee table book called THREADS OF HOPE.


These incredible images capture the essence of the issue, the journey from victim to survivor, and the work completed by PROJECT FUTURES in partnership with the local impact partner, AFESIP Cambodia. This raw footage and honest account will take you on a journey to showcase the impact of programs funded, the motivation behind our mission, and introduce you to the unsung heroes fighting, advocating and reclaiming the rights, lives and voices of victims.

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Threads of Hope

I have been so blessed to be able to work with Project Futures - Transforming the lives of women and girls affected by sex slavery, sexual abuse and exploitation in Australia and Cambodia.

I love that the images I captured in Cambodia continue to inform, educate, create awareness and raise money for such a vital cause. I never imagined the impact the partnership would have on my life and I am truly changed from the experiences and girls I met in Cambodia.

You can purchase one of the books we created in this project with 50% of all sales directly supporting victims in their recovery and reintegration in Cambodia. These human beings were once hidden in plain sight…. however, THREADS OF HOPE lifts them from the darkness, activates their voice and amplifies their story.

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